Stock Market Ticker
Real-time stock market quotes
Designed specifically for Vision Pro, Stock Market Ticker is a financial utility app that lets you add a stock ticker window directly into your spatial computing experience!
Key features:
Real-time quotes provided by the IEX exchange*
Create your own ticker lists or choose from a default set like most active, gainers, losers, and much more
Open multiple ticker windows at once
Customize the appearance of your ticker
*Cryptocurrencies and OTC securities (penny stocks) are not currently supported
Data disclaimer and terms of use:
Please note that while our app strives to provide accurate real-time market data by leveraging the IEX Cloud API, we cannot guarantee that the data displayed is 100% real-time or error-free. Market conditions, system performance, and other technical factors may cause delays or inaccuracies in the data presented by this app.
Stock quotes and other financial information provided through this app are intended for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for making any investment decisions.
By using this app, you acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for any decisions, financial or otherwise, made based on the information provided by this app or for any financial losses or damages resulting from the use of this app. The information is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, and your use of the app is solely at your own risk.
Questions, comments or suggestions?
Please reach out and we’ll get back to you typically within 24 hours